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13th Mar 2015

Did you ever want a doughnut so badly you forgot you had a baby? This woman did…

We like a doughnut as much as the next woman but...

Katie Mythen-Lynch

When the doughnut shop didn’t have her favourite flavour in stock, a sugar-starved mom hit the road in search of her deep-fried favourite.

Unfortunately, in her quest for the perfect sweet treat, she left her five-month-old baby behind at Golden Donuts in National City, California.

Shop workers were startled to find a baby in a car seat on the table after the mum and her cousin walked out of the store.

“I thought she took the baby,” a store employee told NBC San Diego. “And then a customer told me, ‘Oh the baby on the table.’ And then I look around. She was already gone.”

After reaching another doughnut shop and realising her horrifying mistake, the panicked mother called the first store to ensure her baby was safe. Apparently both mum and cousin presumed the other had put the baby in the car before they left.

Police confirmed that no drugs or alcohol were involved and that the incident was a simple mistake.

Because you know, sometimes a girl just really needs a doughnut.


