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24th Jan 2017

Donald Trump Signs Anti-Abortion Executive Order…Surrounded By Men

Amanda Cassidy

It was a move that has far-reaching consequences for women’s reproductive rights across the world. 

Just days after millions took to the streets protesting against his policies – President Trump signed an executive order that represents a major roll-back in female reproductive health options.

This order prohibits funding for international health organisations that not only carry out abortions but even offer information about them in their family planning services.

Known as the Mexico City Polity or the Global Gag Rule, it has been used as a major political tool over the years.

It was first implemented by President Reagan in 1984. It was revoked by President Clinton, reinstated by George Bush and once again rescinded by President Obama in 2009.

Reports in the Huffington Post point out that the US currently spends about 600 million dollars on international assistance on family planning and programmes such as these.

It is important to note that none of this money is spent on performing abortions. In fact, it has helped around 27 million women and couples access contraceptive services.

A simple pan of the room in which the new president signed the order shows a group of men standing by his side. In fact, the only woman serving on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, has come out saying it is a dangerous rollback on women’s reproductive health:

“When women have control over their reproductive health, it improves the long-term health of mothers and children and creates a lasting economic benefit. I will continue to stand up to President Trump and Republican leadership in Congress who are intent on rolling back women’s access to reproductive health care, and will introduce bipartisan legislation to repeal the Global Gag Rule for good.”

What do you think? Is this a worrying precedent for what’s to come? We would love to hear your comments on this.