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HelloFresh - Back to school


18th Dec 2018

Gerard Butler teaches little girl how to play a sheep in a school nativity play he directed

Amy Nolan

The actor was doing charity work in Haiti when dropped into a local school to help them out with their Christmas play.

In a heartwarming video released by the charity Mary’s Meals on Twitter today, 49-year-old Gerard Butler talked about his directorial debut.

The gig was a very prestigious one – a nativity play in the Caribbean country.

The Paisley actor who has starred in films such as P.S. I Love You, The Bounty Hunter and 300 said he gets great fulfilment out of doing charity work, expressing his awe of the “human spirit and the energy of community.”

He pitched in making costumes (although this was a first for him in the sartorial department he said!) and offered plenty of acting tips.

One adorable moment in the video that Mary’s Meals, a charity that runs school feeding projects in countries where poverty and hunger prevent children from getting an education, published shows Gerard teaching one little girl how to “baa” for her role as a sheep in the play.

Speaking about how getting involved made him feel, Gerard said:

“It was way more than charming. I mean it was really touching.

They give you so much more than you give them.”

Now that’s the kind of Christmas story we love hearing about. Good on Mr Butler!

Main Image Via Mary’s Meals Twitter.