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07th May 2015

Media warned to give Kate and Wills some privacy

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Journalists and photographers have been warned against invading the privacy of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they get to know their new baby at Anmer Hall.

The family, including Princess Charlotte, born on Saturday, and Prince George, who turns two in July, have decamped to their 10-bedroom country manor on the Sandringham Estate to escape the media interest in their new daughter. Local police have distributed a letter warning any lurking paparazzi of the family’s rights.


According to Sky News, the letter asks for “acts of harassment and breaches of privacy to cease”:

“There have in the past been a number of intrusions into the privacy of the Royal Family which in the main have been as a result of professional photographers using long-distance lenses, not only to observe the Royal Family, but also to photograph them going about their activities on the estate.”

Last year, the Duke and Duchess launched legal action against paparazzi who had begun following Prince George and his nanny Maria Borrallo on their walks to the park.


Royal Baby