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14th Jul 2022

Mindfulness in schools does not improve mental health, new study finds

Trine Jensen-Burke

Are you surprised at this?

Many schools and even creches have over the past few years added things like meditation and a variety of mindfulness practices to the curriculum.

The hope, of course, was that these practices would help children manage stress and stressful situations better and learn how to mind their mental health effectively and adequately.

Mindfulness and the effect on wellbeing

However, new research has, in fact, shown that school-based mindfulness training does not appear to boost wellbeing or improve the mental health of teenagers, and that many pupils find the practice ‘boring’ and ‘pointless.’

At a time when concern is mounting about poor mental health among children and young people, researchers set out to find out whether a universal mindfulness intervention in secondary schools might help build resilience and have a positive impact on pupil wellbeing.

However, the results were not uplifting.