To celebrate the introduction of the manufacturer’s first running stroller, Bugaboo partnered with Dutch supermodel Ymre Stiekema for a Vogue Netherlands photo shoot.
The company then shared an image from it on their Facebook and Instagram pages.
The photo shows the mum and model jogging while pushing her two-year-old daughter in the Bugaboo Runner. The issue that so many people have with the pic is her outfit (or lack of), which consists of running shoes and what looks to be a tiny bikini. Not the average outfit an average runner or mum would wear while out running or walking with their child. But then again, Ymre isn’t your average mum (or human being – just look at that amazing body).
As you can probably imagine, the pic has attracted a lot of attention – good, bad and funny. Among some of the comments on Bugaboo’s Facebook page, are:
- “Really ladies? Are you that judgemental or jealous that you have to question what she is running in? Women should support each other not tear each other down because you feel inadequate. I would never get away with wearing that while I run, but great for her!”
- “We mock what we are too lazy to achieve. Self-loathing women chiming in from everywhere to criticise physical fitness. Break out the ice cream girls, the jealousy meter is in the red zone.”
- “Ladies – let’s stop being hypocritical and appreciate a woman who has worked hard to look amazing. There is so much focus in the media around ‘fat-shaming’ and how we should respect bodies of all shapes and sizes.”
- “So thaaaat’s what I have been doing wrong…..I need to jog with my baby in a Bugaboo to get my beach body back.”
- “That top cannot be supporting anything, there is nothing to it! If the image was of her wearing that outfit whilst enjoying a day at the beach or pool then fine it looks appropriate but really, taking a run with your child in the park???!!!”
- “I’m a feminist but we need to learn what that means. Women need to have each others backs yes but we also need to say no to stuff like this that makes women look like they rely upon attention.”
- “So apparently Bugaboo is only interested in selling to .001% of the population.”
- “I prefer running naked with my children.”
- “If was running in this on the school run it would be because I’d forgotten to put my clothes on because we’re late for school; my five-year-old had fallen off his scooter; my two-year-old refuses to put his shoes on, and there’s a good chance I haven’t had the time to do my bikini line. There’s an image to leave you with.”
- “Can’t believe they snapped me running with my Bugaboo.”