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09th Jan 2025

Tesla driver shares their first electric bill in 12 months and leaves people shocked by the fee

‘This sucks.’

A Tesla driver left people stunned after sharing how much it cost him in electricity to run his car.

Tesla is the king of the electric car scene, as one of the world’s most valuable companies and one of the leaders in the electric vehicle market.

But although electrics cars are the future, many are probably put off buying a Tesla due to how expensive they are and concerns over running costs as the price of electricity rises.

People were left baffled when one Tesla owner shared his electric bill after a year of driving the electric car – but not in the way you might expect.

Sharing a picture of his bill, the man wrote: “First time I have had a bill with the last 12 months. This sucks.”

The total of the bill? $2.37 (€2.32).

Yep, not even double figures.

So how did he manage to keep his bill so mind-bogglingly low?

Well, the owner still had to fork out a pretty hefty sum in the past to reap the low cost rewards now, by installing a Tesla Powerwall. This is a huge battery that loops into your home’s power and is particularly useful if you have solar panels.

Whilst the solar panels power the house, any excess charge is stored in the Powerwall and charges the Tesla.

This bit of tech costs a pretty penny though, with Powerwalls starting at around $11,500 (€11,264), and some costing as much as $15,000 (€14,692), according to Forbes.

Over a few years, it would probably be worth your while, as the above bill demonstrates, but it’s definitely a big investment.

Reacting the man’s bill, people sarcastically sent their sympathies to him.

One person commented: “Damn my dude post a GoFund Me the community will rally around you I’m sure.”

Another said: “Man my sympathies to you in this horrible time.”

