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18th Apr 2016

Watch: The Bond Between Mothers And Daughters Is Completely Unique

Sharyn Hayden

I am lucky that I have my mum in my life.

I say that for many reasons; because she’s actually so cool and warm and wonderful is the obvious one.

Because she has not batted one eyelid over the fact that me, my partner, our two kids and our dog have been ‘temporarily’ living in her house for the last four months is another.

She battled – and won – a fight with breast cancer four years ago and that is a BIG reason to count ourselves lucky to still have her around.

My mum has the giddiest laugh I have ever heard in my lifetime, particularly when she gets to slag one of us off. (We call that ‘You Got Liz’ed’ in our family).

I am the only girl so I don’t have to share her with any sisters – I get to have that special ‘Mother/Daughter’ bond all to myself.

She is a great mum, a great grandmother to her five grandchildren and mostly, she’s a real best friend to me.

I am becoming more and more like her every day and you know what? I am totally ok with that.

The video from Pandora below is a bit of a tear-jerker, so be warned, but it is wonderful in it’s message.

If you were to write one thing down to your mum, one message that she would recognise as being just from you, what would you say?

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