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21st Nov 2020

10 festive Christmas crafts you can actually gift to family and friends

Trine Jensen-Burke

I love homemade gifts.

I have an aunt who always knits me new woolly socks or mittens for Christmas, and now, as an adult, I think it is the sweetest thing. The same goes for that one friend who always makes her own Christmas cards and then takes the time to write an actual letter inside, making it feel so much more personal and as if she really was thinking of you as she wrote it.

These days, I love getting the kids involved in making homemade gifts for family and friends. I mean; it’s a win-win. We get to sit down and do the activity together – and we get to gift something lovely and thoughtfully homemade to someone we care about.

Fancy getting on the homemade bandwagon yourself this festive season? Here are 10 adorable ideas to get you started:

1. Hama bead Christmas garland

Get out those Hama beads and get to work. Tip: These little shapes will also make adorable present toppers!

For what you need and instructions, head over to

2. Classic red Christmas truck picture frame ornament

How adorable is this?!

For what you need and instructions, head over to

3. Homemade sweet jars

Fill with homemade (or store-bought) sweets and gift to teachers, grannies and everyone else.

For what you need and instructions, head over to

4. Pom-pom Christmas trees

Super-adorable, and can work as both a tree ornament or a fluffy present topper.

For what you need and instructions, head over to

5. Reindeer handprint

Even toddlers will enjoy making these cute handprint reindeers – and you can decorate them in so many different ways!

For what you need and instructions, head over to

6. Clay ornament

You can use cookie cutters to make the shapes, and then make sure to punch a hole for your string.

For what you need and instructions, head over to

7. Thumb-print reindeer

I mean; how perfect are these for some DIY Christmas cards?!

For what you need and instructions, head over to

8. Wire hanger Santa

Slightly older kids will love making these with you – and you can easily turn that Santa hat into an elf hat for a bit of variety.

For what you need and instructions, head over to

9. Birdseed outdoor ornaments

The kids will love hanging these in the trees outside and watch all the birds come to eat.

For what you need and instructions, head over to

10. DIY gift tags

Because opening a present with a homemade gift tag is just nicer.

For what you need and instructions, head over to