If you’re pregnant with your first child, then you’ve probably had a shopping list of essentials sorted from the minute you got a positive test.
But, did you know there are other purchases to be considered – both big and small – that you won’t find on any newborn checklist.
1. Jewellery
For those lucky ladies that think their partner will get them a gift for enduring labour, there are some things to avoid. Stay clear of long necklaces and dangly earrings that can be grabbed by little hands. If you want to give him a push (excuse the pun) in the right direction, you can’t go wrong with a stunning pair of studs.
2. Changing your car
One thing that never matters to you too much before you have kids is the space in the boot, but if you’ve set your mind on a three-wheeler buggy you’ll know they take up nearly as much room as a Mini Cooper. My tip: bring your buggy around the showrooms to test them out; as embarrassing as it might be, it’s better than buying a car and finding out the only way to transport the pushchair is by strapping it to the roof.
3. Phone/Ipad case
Unless you want to risk your device getting damaged, invest in a good quality case that will withstand a fall from height. While I haven’t seen any newborns scrolling away, you’d be surprised at how quickly they’ll want to navigate the net themselves. We learnt our lesson the hard way thanks to our tablet being knocked off a table by our toddler. Cracks. Lots of cracks.
4. Cosmetics
As a new mum, multi-tasking make-up is your new BF. Previously you may have wanted a base that gave you radiance, coverage or a mattifying effect, your number one priority will become the speed in which it can be applied – enter a CC cream with colour and hydration. Add to this, a moisturising lipgloss, concealer that covers blemishes and dark circles and mascara that gives luscious lashes in one coat.
5. Tumble dryer
Never have I loved a home appliance as much. It took me a while to convert me, but the thing is, unless you have the heating on 24/7, washing takes forever on a clothes horse. And then there’s the Irish climate. For mums to have dirty clothes washed and put away in a couple of hours is a beautiful luxury.
6. A diary – an actual paper one
It might sound old-fashioned, but I know a lot of mums who can’t do without theirs (myself included). Making note of milestones, scheduling play dates, keeping track of medical appointments and working out exactly how old your baby is (in weeks). Yours will become indispensable.
7. A ceramic coffee mug with a lid (takeaway style)
Once you’re a mum, coffee becomes the answer to everything. Unfortunately, there’s a strong possibility that the minute you make a mug the baby will cry. Stick on a lid on and keep it warm, it’ll save putting the kettle back on repeatedly.
8. A coat with a hood
Because you can forget holding an umbrella when your arms are full of a million other things, including your baby. You might feel a bit silly, you probably haven’t put your hood up since you were 12-years-old, but it beats arriving everywhere looking like a drowned rat.
Jennie lives in Co Kildare with her husband Matt and son Ethan. In her blog mummyvstheworld.com she takes a lighthearted look at the world of motherhood. You can also find her musings on twitter @DennehyJennie.