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28th May 2015

Any little eczema sufferers in your house? This is your go-to guide


Our babies inherit everything from us: Eye colour, hair type, height, and unfortunately for them, any and all of our tendencies towards sensitive skin, including eczema.

Although it’s a really common condition (eczema affects up to one in five babies and young children), eczema affects every baby differently. It can start as early as a baby’s second month, and if you’re not familiar with the condition, it can be a confusing and upsetting experience for new parents.

In eczema-prone skin, the cells don’t produce as many fats and oils and so retain less water. This leads to the protective layer being weaker, allowing irritants and allergens to enter the skin leading to irritation and itchy, red, dry and cracked. In severe cases there may be weeping, crusting and bleeding.

So, what do you do

The most common method of treatment is using emollients, usually applied in areas where the skin folds like behind the knees, inside the elbows, the sides of the neck and also around the eyes and ears.

How often

You should aim for an emollient bath once a day and use the creams frequently; the recommended amount is 250g per week. On a day-to-day basis, it’s recommended to apply an emollient cream at least three to four times a day.

Baby Basin

Top tips

  • Try to keep the temperature as close to the bathroom air temperature as possible – changes in temperature can aggravate the skin.
  • Soak your child in the bath water for 10-20 minutes – try to avoid keeping them in the bath longer as this may actually dry out the skin more.
  • After bathing, apply an emollient cream to all areas of the skin to lock in the moisture.

Newborn baby sleeping in toy bed next to big window

How to avoid the dreaded scratching

  • Try to keep their bedroom cool, but not too cold.
  • Use cotton sheets that have been washed with a sensitive skin detergent.
  • Apply an emollient cream about 20 minutes before bedtime to allow it to soak in to the skin.
  • Do not allow pets to sleep in the same room as your child.
  • Try to keep your child’s nails short so any scratching that does occur does minimal damage.

This article is brought to you by Oilatum. Oilatum is clinically proven to significantly reduce itching for up to eight hours. Perfect for babies who need long-lasting relief from dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin. 

