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HelloFresh - Back to school


02nd May 2022

How can I tell my son I no longer want to babysit my grandchildren?

Melissa Carton

“I have put my life on hold to help take care of the kids.”

What would you do in this situation?

One exhausted grandmother recently took to parenting forum Mama Uncut to seek advice on what to do about her babysitting situation.

According to the grandmother, as well as working a job she is also expected to be the carer of her grandchildren and it’s taking a toll on her.

“My son is a single Daddy of 2 young children. He works nights, so myself & the other Grandmother pitches in with taking care of the children.

A part of me feels bad for thinking this, but the other part says it way overdue. But how do I tell him I can no longer babysit? Mind you, I also work 40+ hours a week.

I’m home for 15 minutes & then they’re coming in. I love them all more than anything, but I have put my life on hold to help take care of the kids. It’s usually 2-3 nights a week.

My son doesn’t help with anything. If the kids need anything while they’re here, I have to buy it. I’ve bought most of their school clothes. He leaves no cash whatsoever for food. This is a 1 income home.

I’m just becoming mentally & physically exhausted. I’ve mentioned to him more than a couple times about finding a part time babysitter. But nothing ever gets done.

I was also a single parent when my 2 kids were little. I worked & made sure I always had a sitter for them. I just feel stuck. And I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Almost all of the responses suggested that she tell her son that she cannot babysit for him anymore;

“Tell him it is getting to be to much for you and maybe you can help him out a few times a month or he can see if the other grandmother can take over the other days if she is not working.”

“He needs to get a job that will allow him to work in the daytime while his children are in school.

But he realizes if he does that, then he’ll be the one left with them once they are off of school, seems he picked a work shift so that he has the least amount of time to spend with them, and I think it’s being done this way deliberately.”

“You already raised your own children, it’s not on you to raise his children too.”

What would you do in this situation? Do you think she should continue to help or son or is he taking advantage?

