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07th Jun 2016

6 Ways To Prepare Kids For Big School Over The Summer Months

Sharyn Hayden

Anyone with kids starting school this September have probably had, or are just about to have, induction days at The Big School.

For some, it will go smoothly and their kids will run into their new classroom with excitement.

For others, the concept of a new teacher, new surrounds and often times, completely new classmates, fills them with anxiety and causes upset.

Anyone who is wondering how best to prepare their little ones for a smooth transition in September, we have 5 tips that you can follow:

1. Keep Calm

Kids will pick up on any anxiety or worries that we have as parents, so try your best to put on a brave front! This will be way easier done now than on that dreaded first day (keep those sunglasses handy, mum!) so make sure your child believes that you are feeling happy and positive about this new chapter in their lives.

2. No Drama

Perhaps your kid doesn’t need lots of hype in the run-up to starting school. Putting on a staged big deal out of how exciting it’s all going to be might put undue stress on the little ones. So whenever the subject is brought up – be cool.

3. Provide Gentle (And Sneaky) Encouragement

My son is crazy keen to start doing more for himself – the latest is that he doesn’t want me to dress him in the mornings at all because he’s ‘a big boy’ (finally!). Every time he does it, I casually mention how impressed his new teacher at big school is going to be with him.

4. Make It Familiar

Enquire as to whether there are any summer camps taking place in the school over the coming months, which would really help familiarise your child with their surroundings. Drive, walk or cycle by every now and then and just let them have a little look at it.

5. Find A Friend

If your kid is going to a school where they won’t know any of their classmates, why not ask the school if there are any parents they could put you in contact with. A playdate or two over the summer would go a long way towards their excitement over going to school with their new friend.

6. Have The Chats

I know that my son often wants me to hear his little concerns just so that he can get them off his chest. Sometimes he resolves the issue himself and other times we come up with a plan of action together. Lots of kids who are this school-going age are resistant to change but with communicative parents on side to allay any concerns, they will definitely get there (and hopefully love it!) in the end.

Have older kids starting secondary school in September? We have some helpful tips for parents here too.

Got any to add to the list? Let us know in the comments on Facebook.