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07th Mar 2016

What Happens When Kid’s Movies Are Too Upsetting For Actual Kids

Sharyn Hayden

If you have a toddler, you may have sat down with them some point to watch one of your all-time favourite kid’s movies together, only to discover that they’re not particularly suitable for actual kids.

Little Olive is three years old and lives in the States.

She and her mum Bridget sat down to watch Finding Nemo recently. Cute fish, under the sea thrills, Ellen DeGeneres as the terribly funny and forgetful Dory.. sounds like a good time, right?


Here is the cutie pie pre-Finding Nemo, and post-fifteen-minutes-of-watching-Finding-Nemo.


Her mum Bridget wrote on her Facebook page:

“Before Finding Nemo starts you are really excited to watch a movie. Then it’s like 15 minutes in and Nemo’s mom is dead and he has just been kidnapped and now you are so upset you have to stop the movie and call your dad because Nemo’s dad is so sad. #spoilers”

My own son is four and I have also found myself grabbing for the remote to quickly turn off the TV under the guise of ‘Oh no, I think the channel is broken’ when I can see that his sensitive little self is becoming sad in sympathy with the characters.

Until he’s a bit older and can understand that TV or movie land is only make-believe, we are sticking strictly to shows or movies that aren’t likely to upset him.

So, no ‘The Lion King’ until he’s at least twelve, right?! (Bawling!)

What kid’s movies have you had to boycott? Let us know in the comments on Facebook.