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HelloFresh - Back to school


10th Feb 2020

Making play dough will keep the kids happy during the cold weather (and it can be a lot of fun too!)

Melissa Carton

The cold snap is back.

Just when we thought we were entering spring and the kids would have loads of time after school to play outside – the wet, cold weather returns.

I’m already trying to think of ways I can occupy the kids without too much screen time while we stay cosy and warm indoors and if you’re feeling the same, why not try some cooking?

One of my favourite things to do with the kids is to make play dough. It’s really easy to do and mainly involves ingredients that you can find in your press.

To start off here are the list of ingredients that you’ll need;

1 cup flour

2 tsp cream of tartar

Half cup salt

1 tbsp. cooking oil

1 cup water

Variety of food colouring

To start, mix one of your food colours with water. After this. pour your food colour mixture into a pot and add in your vegetable oil.

Now add your flour, cream of tartar and salt and mix well over a low to medium heat until the dough starts to form and becomes dry.

Once it starts to become stiff enough to form a ball-like shape it’s time to take it off the heat and allow to cool.

Repeat the process again with your various colours.

Once your dough is made and cooled down, it’s time to fire up your imagination and start creating. This kind of play is great for children of all ages and helps with their critical thinking and motor skills.

Because your homemade play dough is made from ingredients you would use to make food, it’s also safe should any little people decide to take a bite out of it. Saying that we wouldn’t recommend eating it!!!