Part of the reason, I think, that my children and I actually manage to make it out the door on time-ish most mornings, is down to the fact that velcro was invented.
Look, I know I at some point have to teach my children how to tie their laces – it’s just right now, I don’t have the time. Or mental stamina.
But when I do, I am fully planning on using this little guy’s nifty lace tying trick – as he is pretty much a genius, as far as I am concerned.
In a video submitted to the Love What Matters Facebook page, Ashley Lillard is filming her son Colton showing all of us old dogs a new trick, while also giving a play-by-play of what’s happening in his life. As his mum patiently films her shoe tying ninja in their kitchen, Colton informs us he “has a new way to tie shoes.”
And boy does he. Just watch and learn:
The cuteness lies in the fact that while little Colton shows us how this new trick works, his mum continues to reassure him from afar, but never reaching in to help. Basically, she gives him time to learn for himself, continuously offers encouragement throughout the video, but never tries to hurry him along – something I am so guilty of with my own little ninjas.
Once the successful shoe tying is complete, Colton, beaming with pride, shares with us that “I learned that from my friend, River.”
Cute. As. A. Button.