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06th Mar 2017

Getting your career back on track after maternity leave (and nailing it)

Amanda Cassidy

It is one of the most bittersweet times in your life.

You are torn between being obsessed by this helpless little baby you have just made  -and yet you feel that pull of your career that you not only enjoy but often need.

For many it isn’t a choice – it is a balance.

And to help you establish and we have some tips to keep you on track when it comes to your career – no matter how long you have been off work.

1. Take it slow

Try not to go from zero to 100 overnight. If it is possible, try to taper back into work. Do a little work from home initially or see if there is an arrangement where you can start back early from maternity leave but only for a few days a week at the start. Obviously, we are at the mercy of our employers but the more of us pushing for this level of flexibility, the more likely it is that we will get some more family friendly practices into the workplace.

2. Make a plan

I know it has been nappy-gate for the past 9 months but now it is time to reassert yourself back into work mode. There may be power play in your office (there always is) but it is important you get your role and status back. It is also a great time to re-formulate your career plan and start planning what steps you plan to take to maximise your value to the team.

3. Show you are indispensable 

Try to work a little smarter now that you are a mum. Often you will find that the most efficient workers in a firm are those who juggle the most demands such as children. Once you prove you get the job done – you can demand more flexibility from your boss.

4. Banish the guilt

Listen, we are all human and there will be an element of feeling guilty about being away from the baby/children when you are at work but try not to second guess yourself. Remind yourself you are making your children proud and working to make a better future for them. Coffee helps.

5. Childcare

Make sure you get your childcare pinned down so you are more comfortable when you are in the office and it has less of an impact on your employer. Do have a back-up in mind if your child is sick from creche. It is amazing how much your worry load is eased when you have a good minder or creche.

6. Reflect

This is a great time to really assess the direction you want to go with work and it is amazing how much having children depending on you can focus the mind. Maybe you suddenly realise that you can’t commit to the new managerial role. Maybe you are thanking your lucky stars you have such a great job to go back to or maybe you decide to change the course of your career entirely as it doesn’t work for your family now that you are a mum. Either way – this is a great time to reevaluate and find what works best for you! It is hard to navigate the choppy waters of being

It is hard to navigate the choppy waters of having a career and being on call as a mum. As women, we often tend to put everyone else first which puts a lot of pressure on us as individuals.

Remove your guilt, focus on what you want to achieve and take the time to re-plan your next move. We’ll be with you every step of the way.

Do you have any advice to mums going back to work? We would love you to share your tips with our readers.