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31st Jul 2018

Khloe Kardashian has just admitted that she ‘badly’ wanted a son before giving birth

She welcomed daughter True earlier this year.

Anna O'Rourke

Is secretly coveting one gender over the other one of the last pregnancy taboos?

They might deny it but it’s a fact that many mums and dads-to-be hope for either a boy or a girl.

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Khloe Kardashian has admitted that when she found out that she was pregnant, she “badly” hoped she would have a boy because of the bond she shares with her sister Kourtney’s son.

“I wanted a boy so badly because Mason and I are so close. I love our bond,” she wrote on Twitter.

“I felt confident in having a boy but God blessed me with my precious True and now I wouldn’t know what to do with a boy.”

Khloe raises an interesting point – for whatever reason, lots of people truly believe they’ll bond better or be a better parent to the gender of their choice.

A number of celebrity mums have been candid about the use of gender selection, a controversial process whereby parents specifically choose to have either a boy or a girl.

Chrissy Teigen has said that she and husband John Legend chose for their first child, Luna, to be a girl.

Danielle Lloyd meanwhile has said that after having four sons, she’ll go abroad for gender selection treatment to ensure her next child is a girl as the process is not legal in the UK.

“I’ve been honest about the fact that I’d really like a little girl.

“I would regret it if I got to 50 and didn’t have a daughter, and I don’t want to have any regrets, so I’m going to do it.”

Interested in gender swaying and selection? Check out everything you need to know here.