Whether you’re the queen of New Year’s resolutions or a gym-phobic winter hibernator, who wouldn’t hand over their last mince pie for a slimmer middle right about now?
If your yoga pants are feeling a little snug, there are some simple tricks you can try to shed a few Christmas pounds and ease any festive bloating.
Follow these simple tips for a flatter tum in days…
1. Read food labels
‘If a food or drink is described as ‘low sugar’, ‘slim line’ or ‘diet’, it will usually contain an artificial sweetener. These sweeteners have been linked to mood swings and depression, and it has been found that people who regularly use artificial sweeteners tend to gain weight because they can slow down the digestive process and increase appetite,’ explains Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading Nutritionist, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar.
2. Add protein to each meal
If your diet is lacking in protein then you may be more inclined to go back for seconds. “Including protein in your meal helps slow down digestion, leaving you feeling more satisfied and fuller for longer. This in turn can help with weight loss, as you’re less likely to have as many calories.” advises Nutritionist Cassandra Barns.
“To ensure you’re getting your daily dose of protein try a plant based protein powder. They are easy to digest and can be kept low-calorie. They can be used to make smoothies or shakes, and also added to savory foods such as stews and soups.”
3. Speed up your metabolism with salmon
“Studies link weight loss to omega 3 fatty acids. The oils from the oily fish, such as salmon, appear to enhance weight loss by increasing fat metabolism.” explains Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at SuperfoodUK.com. “Salmon also has the great benefit of being a lean source of protein. The protein content will help with your appetite by making you feel fuller for longer,”
4. Go vegan once a week
“Veganism wouldn’t be my first protocol for weight loss. This is because vegan diets tend to be lower protein and higher starchy carbohydrates, which is less successful for those trying to lose weight. However, if a diet has been previously rich in unhealthy processed foods and, veganism stimulates a change to incorporate more fresh vegetables, whole grains and pulses then weight loss will be inevitable,” explains Shona.
5. Try Pilates to trim your waist
“In Pilates you learn how to use your deep core muscles to support your spine. These muscles wrap around your waist like a natural built in corset. It’s been called your ‘girdle of strength!’ Every exercise you do in a Pilates session teaches you how to work from your centre, helping to reduce our waistlines,” explains Lynne Robinson, author of Pilates for Weightloss.
6. Have soup as a starter
Soup stops the cells in the stomach producing your hunger hormone ghrelin and turns off your appetite. “Studies show the body registers greater satisfaction when food is liquidised and soup moves out of the stomach more gradually than a solid meal would, leaving you feeling more satisfied for longer,” explains Marilyn.
7. Skip the TV when eating
Do you eat your meals in front of a screen? Marilyn explains why you should turn if off, “You can eat up to 70 per cent more if distracted by watching the TV or in a cinema. Research has shown that eating lunch in front of your computer makes it harder to remember what you have eaten and then you don’t feel as full. As a result, you will then be looking for something else to eat. In one study, computer users then ate twice as many biscuits half an hour later than the non-computer users eating lunch!”
8. See the benefits with broccoli
‘Broccoli is a great choice to help with weight loss mainly because it is so low in calories. Broccoli is also high in fibre and water – this helps create bulk without calories. The fibre helps make you feel full and also slows down digestion, which is a great way to help you to stop snacking. If that’s not enough, broccoli also contains several micronutrients. These are known to help support weight loss. One of the main ones is chromium, which helps balance your blood sugar levels and prevents those pangs of hunger. Broccoli also contains phytochemicals, which have the ability to help break down fats.’ says Shona.
9. Chew well
“The chemical cholecystokinin (CCK) is released as food enters your stomach. It tells your digestion to slow down and subsequently gives the message to your brain that you are full, allowing your appetite to naturally decrease. This message takes about 20 minutes, so if you eat quickly you could end up eating far more than you need to before your body gets around to telling you to stop.”says Marilyn.
10. A teaspoon of cinnamon a day keeps the carb cravings away
“Cinnamon helps to keep our blood sugar levels balanced, this minimises insulin spikes after meals which can lead to hunger and further carbohydrate cravings. Try sprinkling cinnamon onto food, or sipping on cinnamon tea,” says Shona.
11. Have more sex
Struggling to find some couple time and keep up with a fitness regime? Why not combine the both, through lovemaking? Not only can this help to burn calories, but it can also help you have a great sleep! “Sex or masturbation can help to relieve tension and help you go off to sleep faster,” says Marilyn.
12. Spend an extra hour in bed!
“Studies have shown that a lack of sleep may cause us to eat 300-400 more calories the next day. And in order to keep energy levels high we tend to choose sugary or starchy quick fixes.
“Just one extra hour of sleep each night can increase leptin, the hormone which suppresses appetite,” says Shona.