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27th Nov 2015

Blues Busters: 5 ways to feel better, FAST

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Having a bit of a ‘blah’ week? Feeling a bit ‘meh’ in general? 

You don’t have to be suffering from depression to feel a little down in the dumps sometimes. Mood swings, hormones, lack of sunshine and the daily crises of life can take their toll on the sunniest of dispositions. It’s usually not until you find yourself snapping at the kids or catch sight of your RBF (that’s Resting Bitch Face) in the mirror that you’ll realise it’s time to do something for yourself.

If you can’t shake a bad mood, there are some simple things you can try to shake yourself out of a funk.

1. Quit brooding

Are you guilty of replaying scenes and situations that got on your nerves earlier in the day? Research shows that finding a two-minute distraction like a crossword puzzle or Sudoku can disrupt the annoying replays and put you back in good humour.


2. Adopt an attitude of gratitude

You don’t have to completely believe in this one for it to work. Write down a list of all the things, little and big, in your life you’re grateful for. Chances are by the time you reach the end you’ll be counting your lucky stars.

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3. Go to bed early

Exhaustion can affect everything from your outlook to your self esteem. Never underestimate the power of a deep sleep. Pack the kids off to a friend’s house and take to your bed for two hours, stepping right past the towering laundry basket and spilled cereal on your way. A well rested you is a less cranky you.

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4. Help someone out

Sometimes lending a hand or doing something for somebody else can help take your mind off your own dull mood. Pick someone close to you and cook them a special meal or plan an interesting road trip with an old mate. Alternatively, help out a stranger by cutting their grass or bringing in their bins. Studies show that people who volunteer are healthier and live longer than those who don’t.

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5. Take a walk

A long stroll not only gets you out of the house for a little while, it also boosts blood circulation, sending more oxygen to your brain and helping you to think more clearly. It also burns calories, tones your bum, lowers your disease risk and strengthens your heart.

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6. Try a food supplement

Naturopaths recommend Passionflower as a balm for the nervous system and a remedy for tension, anxiety and insomnia. Pick up a bottle of A Vogel Passiflora from a health food shop and take 20 drops in a little water in the morning and evening. Make sure to discuss with your doctor first if you are taking any other medication.

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7. Spend time with animals

Whether you plan some play time with your own pets or borrow one for the day, hanging out with a dog or cat has been proven to offer big benefits including lower blood pressure, the release of ‘feel good’ hormones and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

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What do you do to snap yourself out of a funk? Let us know on Twitter @HerFamilydotie.