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01st Sep 2020

Feeling stressed? Here is why helping your kids build Lego can help with that

Trine Jensen-Burke

Stress is a major issue for most of us these days.

Which is why the anti-stress industry is literally cleaning up at the moment. From meditations apps to essential oils and sounds baths (yes, really) there really is no limit to how far we will go or how much we are willing to pay to help us stress down and find some calm in our lives.

However, what if we told you all you have to do is get a hold of your kids’ Lego box…?

No, really. It’s true.


According to the Washington Post, the Danish toy-maker is looking at a brand new target market: stressed-out grown-ups.

And so never mind the mindfulness colouring books, mamas – Lego’s got your back.

Recently, the company surveyed a group of adults and found that 91 percent felt noticeably better after they played with the building blocks, and 86 percent reported feeling more relaxed.

“Adults with high-pressured jobs are telling us they’re using Lego to disconnect from the mania of the day, “ Genvieve Capa Cruz, Lego’s audience marketing strategist told the Washington Post. “They’re looking for a relaxing, calming experience – and they like instructions because that’s what helps them to be in the zone.”

“Need an escape?” a recent Instagram ad asked. “Building with Lego bricks reduces stress and improves your wellbeing. It’s zen, in the shape of a brick.”

And sure look, the concept is almost identical to that of the popular adult colouring books designed for the very same reason; the help us all destress. With Lego, like the colouring, we have to be present as we are doing something, and focus on the task at hand, hence not being able to at the same time live in our heads and stress about the future. It requires concentration, while also limiting anxious self-reflection.


In other words; there is a connection between brick-building and mindfulness, and it might just be the perfect opportunity to both spend time with your child, while also allowing your brain to totally zone out for a while.

Using mindfulness practice to alleviate anxiety and stress is nothing new, and has been around since the 1970s. But it was only rather recently that researchers started focusing on how doing activities like Suduko, Lego, colouring-in or jigsaw puzzles could actually help encourage mindfulness.

What do YOU think, parents? Do YOU find it relaxing and mindful when you are helping your kids build Lego? Let us know in the comments or tweet us at @herfamilydotie