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04th Sep 2024

The shunned hair hack that is helping people’s hair grow

Kat O'Connor

This hair hack isn’t as bad as people claim it is

We’ve often been told that washing our hair every day is a bad idea, but it turns out the shunned hair hack isn’t as bad as people claim it is.

If you’re tired of your hair looking weak and falling out then washing it more regularly may help.

We’ve always been told not to wash it every day, but one woman has proven this theory is incorrect.

Speaking in a now-viral TikTok, Daniela Biah explained that washing her hair every day helped improve its condition.

She told her followers that a good shampoo can make a world of difference.

Before she started washing her hair every day, Daniela was struggling with hair loss and a receding hairline.

Once she made the change, she started to notice a major difference in her hair.

She said: “When you use a good shampoo, it helps remove dirt, oil, and product buildup, keeping the scalp clean and healthy.”

Daniela said a clean scalp will promote growth as well as prevent hair loss.

“A clean scalp promotes better hair growth and helps to reduce hair loss.  Of course, everyone will require a different hair-washing schedule,” she shared.

Daniela said how often you should wash your hair depends on your scalp’s needs.

Some people may need to wash their hair more often than others and that’s perfectly acceptable.

Daniela said using things like dry shampoo may help when your hair is greasy but this kind of product can actually damage your hair and scalp.

She advised people to stop using dry shampoo because it is causing more harm in the long run.

“Leading to build up that can clog pores and potentially cause scalp issues like itching, dandruff, or even hair loss,” she said.

This hair hack is reassuring to hear as someone who washes their hair nearly every day.

Would you consider trying this hair hack? Washing your hair every day feels like an awful lot of effort.



Beauty,hair hack