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10th Feb 2023

Katie Price called out for letting her 8-year-old wear full face of make up

Kat O'Connor

“Let little girls be little”

Katie Price has come under fire after letting her 8-year-old daughter Bunny wear a full face of makeup.

We agree that there’s no harm in letting kids play with make-up. As kids, we were all caught applying our mam’s red lipstick and then sulking when we look more like the Joker but has Price gone too far?

She shared a photo of Bunny wearing a full face of makeup, including false eyelashes. And as amazing as the make-up is, her daughter doesn’t need it.

The mum said the makeup was a once-off for her sister’s wedding but that hasn’t stopped the backlash.

Many of her followers agreed that her little girl is just too young to be wearing so much make-up.

One stressed that Katie is taking away her daughter’s innocence.

“Why is she wearing lashes!? She’s too young that is ridiculous. I’m all for a tiny bit of makeup but even still you’ve turned her into what looks like a drag queen. Absolutely no need for it. Let little girls be little for christ’s sake.”

“8 is way too young for false lashes, glue on a child’s eyes that age is not good at all.”

Another pointed out, “This is not the first time you’ve allowed your 8-year-old daughter to wear makeup. Teaching her that her own skin and natural look aren’t beautiful.”

Katie’s sister said Bunny only wore the make-up for a few hours. She also confirmed that this was a one-off.

“Every little girl I know LOVES playing with makeup and having fun. She doesn’t strut around every single day like this, its fun and made her happy for a few hours for her aunties wedding.”

What do you think? Would you let your child wear make-up at the age of 8?

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