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05th Sep 2018

In London, exhausted new parents are lining up to use £18-an-hour nap pods

Trine Jensen-Burke

snooze button

Sleep – glorious, glorious sleep.

We all know our night-time snooze is all sorts of good for us, and experts are warning about major health consequences if we don’t get enough of it.

However, as every new (and not so new) parents will know, this isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

Which is no doubt why, in London, sleep-deprived new mums and dads are turning to £18-an-hour ‘nap pods’ to catch up on missed sleep. And just admit it – if they existed here in Ireland, we’d swing by too.

According to the Daily Mail, Pop & Rest, which is based near Old Street in London, has four bedrooms which hold a single bed, a desk and some plants, and both exhausted office workers, tired parents and even tourists in need of a rest and a place to charge their phones are booking a room in droves.

And while the majority of customers as of yet are over-worked office workers from nearby businesses, co-founder Mauricio Villamizar told the Evening Standard that many customers are new parents desperate to catch some shut-eye during the working day. In fact, Villamizar said that one new father had told him he could barely sleep at night at home and hence comes to the pods once a week.

To use the Pop & Rest, the minimum booking time is half an hour but you’re allowed to reserve the pods for up to two hours overall. And you can bring your own alarm clock, or opt to have a staff member at the facility knock on the door to wake you up when it’s time to check out.

 At the moment, due to a huge increase in demand, the company is planning on expanding by introducing their nap pods to local libraries and even shopping centres.