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HelloFresh - Back to school


05th May 2016

This Working Mum Got A Lovely Surprise From Her Boss In Work


Being a mum is a big deal and it’s hard, but having a support system around you can make all the difference.

And it seems that Erica McClaugherty Swenson from Colorado has people willing to help both at home and at work.

She got a lovely surprise from her boss during a baby shower organised by her co-workers earlier this month, but it wasn’t one that she was supposed to take home.

Her boss created a room in the Oswego Creatve offices where her baby girl could sleep and she could breastfeed and pump.

She shared a snap of the crib on her social media accounts and wrote: “Overwhelmed with gratefulness. This isn’t my baby girls room at home. This is her room at my job!

“Complete with a cozy couch for breastfeeding and pumping. My boss surprised me yesterday and it brought me to tears!

“This during a surprise baby shower from my amazing co-workers. So much love and support for this working mommy. #babygirl #workingmom #crib #thankheavenforlittlegirls #oswegocreative”.

This is definitely on the list of nice things to do for a working mum but there are some things you just shouldn’t say to a working mum (click here to find out what those are).

What do you think of Erica’s surprise? Let us know in the Facebook comments or get in touch on Twitter (@HerFamilydotie).