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HelloFresh - Back to school


26th May 2015

STUDY: Eat THIS to beat afternoon cravings

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Teenagers who snack on protein or soy-rich foods in the afternoon are less likely to reach for fattening foods, according to a new study. 

A team of researchers at the University of Missouri studied boys and girls between the ages of 13 to 19.

According to study lead Dr Heather Leider, in addition to the appetite and satiety benefits,  the study found that when the teens ate the high-protein snacks, “they incorporated more protein throughout the day and consumed less dietary fat.”

“Thus, adding protein snacks in the afternoon could be a good strategy for individuals who are trying to eat more protein throughout the day.” she added.

So what are the snacks we should be stocking up on?  Here are six of the best protein and soy-rich foods to have to hand:

Hard boiled eggs

Edamame beans

Miso soup

Pumpkin seeds

Peanut butter

Greek yogurt