I am always worried my children are not getting enough sleep.
Between the sometimes ungodly morning wake-up times and the “please, just one more story” debacle at night I can’t help but wonder that surely there can’t be enough hours in between the two to ensure they get enough rest, no?
And I am sure a lot of us are in the same boat on this one: Are we getting our kids to bed at the right time? I mean; we all fear what will happen if we tuck them in too early and they just mess around because they are not tired enough yet. Or worse; wake at 4am the next morning. But then again, you don’t want to leave it too late, or they will be exhausted (and narky) the next day.
The struggle is (oh) so real.
But if you are wondering what the magic time is too, here is a little chart that might be of assistance. Administrators at Wilson Elementary School in Kenosha in the US decided to help frustrated parents by providing a bedtime chart based on age and usual wake-up time to make sure parents knew what time they should be putting their little darlings to bed at: