Feeling a little over pulled pork right about now?
Then don’t worry, there are plenty of new tasty food trends to salivate over in 2016. According to in-the-know foodies from around the globe, here are some of the hottest new food crazes we’ll be embracing in 2016:
1. Black is the new black
According to TheFoodPeople, blackened, or burnt as you can also call it, food is the Next Big Thing for the new year. Salad and vegetables blackened over fire, scorched bread and pizzas, squid ink colouring and black rice, the future is looking dark indeed!
2. Bowl foods
If you are currently active on Instagram, you will have noticed that everyone and their granny are eating bowls of smoothies (acai bowls anyone?) or bowls of salads or even fancy ramen in – you guessed it – bowls. The comforting informal serving can be eaten on the go, filled with healthy goodies and tailored to suit any dietary requirement. Bowls really are the new plates.
3. Soup is the new juice
If you have invested in Nutribullets and blenders to make healthy juices, you will be happy to know you can also use them to make all sorts of yummy soups. Juice lovers will no doubt embrace the texture and fibre you get with a lovely bowl of soup. From sipping on bone broth to gazpacho’s, souping has high nutritional value with detoxifying benefits, plus is is super filling. A trend we can get on board with, we think!
4. “Extreme” food
The Food People think we in 2016 will see an anti-goodness movement, as a reaction to the extreme obsession with healthy eating we have seen over the last few years. Expect fancy topped-with-everything milkshakes, decadent desserts and ice cream creations you are going to LOVE to indulge in.
5. Seaweed is the new kale
Packed with antioxidants, fiber, iodine and good fats, seaweed is in the spotlight as more nutrition-focused foodies search for the next super food. The ocean vegetable is “set to explode thanks to its sustainability angle and umami appeal,” referring to the Japanese word for the fifth basic taste, according to the 2016 Trend Forecast from the Specialty Food Association.
6. Coffee gets creative
The latest coffee trends will perk up even the most jaded java lover with newfangled caffeinated concoctions that range from carbonated coffee to iced coffee mocktails, according to Sterling-Rice Group’s 2016 Culinary Trends report.
7. Caribbean cuisine is on its way
Say hello to the melting pot of flavours coming in from the Caribbean next year, also inspired by food from the Gulf of Mexico and Southern US states. YUM.
8. Lifestyle health gurus continue to influence us
Deliciously Ella is doing it, so are the Hemsley sisters, and our home-grown Happy Pear boys from Greystones too, all trying to sway us to eat and live more healthy through their beautiful photography, tasty (healthy treats) and good looks!
9. Eating local
Locally sourced meat, veg and also seafood is the way forward according to the world’s top chefs.
10. Plant-based diets step it up
According to Baum + Whiteman even fast food chains are choosing to incorporate more vegetables into their menus, a surefire sign that eating green has become mainstream. Plant and vegetable based meals are fast becoming the fashionable, healthy and ethical choice, with spiralized vegetable noodles even taking over from pasta in popularity.
What do YOU think, dear readers? Will be be dying to test of some of these foodie fads when they hit our shores in the new year? Join the conversation on Twitter at tweet us at @Herfamilydotie