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Early years

27th Jun 2018

Here’s what your baby’s different cries actually mean

What's your little one trying to tell you?

Anna O'Rourke

Here's what your baby's different cries actually mean

A crying baby is distressing for everyone involved.

You know that your baby cries for all kinds of reasons, but did you know that their cries are different depending on what they’re upset about?

Decoding what they mean will help you understand what they want and *hopefully* help you to get them to stop.


“I’m hungry”

This type of cry is low-pitched, repetitive and intense and is often accompanied by the baby sucking its fingers or nuzzling for its mum’s breast. Ideally a baby should never be left unfed to the point where they cry as it could gulp in air when it is fed, resulting in wind or getting sick.


“I have colic/ gas”

This is an intense, loud wail. Baby might also be fidgeting.


“I’m tired”

This often starts out low and slow and can build in intensity. This type of crying can also apply when baby is fed up or uncomfortable, so check for a dirty nappy or anything else that might be irritating them.


“I’m overstimulated”

This is a fussy, whiny cry. Baby might also turn away its head from whatever it’s looking at. Taking it out of the situation and to somewhere calmer with dimmed lighting will help settle it.



“I’m scared”

This is often screechy and accompanied by a startled look.


“I need some attention”

This can start as cooing and fussing and may be broken up with whimpers. It means that baby just needs some love! Try playing with it or rocking it.