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Baby's health

19th Apr 2024

This is why experts recommend not kissing babies

Anna Martin

kiss baby

Babies are so adorable that sometimes you just want to kiss them

With their innocent eyes, chubby little cheeks and tiny hands, it’s completely understandable.

Though it may be a natural urge, there are real scientific reasons why you should resist planting a peck on an infant’s forehead.

When babies arrive in this world, they have low immunity, so kissing them right after their entry into this world is not a wise thing to do. 

Speaking to RTÉ, Dr Amy Morgan explained that despite most newborns being born healthy, it’s important to allow them to build up their immunity.

“They do need time to build up their immune systems and that is through a combination of vaccinations and stuff that their own immune system is naturally developing through exposure as well,” she said.

kiss baby
Credit: Getty

Though you might be asking yourself; “Is that not natural exposure?” there are many reasons to avoid letting people kiss your newborn.

Germs spread easily

Physical contact is the most common way for germs to spread, and newborns are especially vulnerable to this, which means it’a best to avoid touching babies unnecessarily.

Respiratory risks

A newborn’s respiratory system is undeveloped as it takes the lungs around 8 years to completely mature.

Any virus that may spread respiratory sickness to a baby via kissing could be dangerous.

Skin problems

Adults often use skincare products or makeup on their faces. While grownups are protected from the immediate hazards these products pose, babies are not.

Allergic reactions

kiss baby
Credit: Getty

If an adult has consumed a food item that the baby is allergic to, such as nuts, soy, or other common allergens, then there’s a risk of that carrying over and causing an allergic reaction.

On top of this, some ingredients in your skincare could be harmful to your newborn.

It could be a moisturiser, a lip balm or just sunscreen but may have something in it that your little one is sensitive to.


RSV, or Respiratory Syncytial Virus can wreak havoc on the immunocompromised, a group mostly made up of babies, toddlers, and older populations.

It is a very serious and potentially fatal condition which can spread easily through a cough, sneeze, or kiss.

It is important to remind people that even have a cold, or recently recovered from a sinus infection stay away from your baby.