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Baby's health

13th Jan 2024

Are sensory videos good for your baby?

Anna Martin


Baby sensory videos are super popular right now

Whether you’ve seen them randomly pop up on your social media or you’re used to flicking one on to calm your little one, they’re everywhere.

Yet it may have crossed your mind as to whether or not watching these brightly coloured videos is actually good for your baby.

Like most things in life, there are pros and cons, so we made a handy list for you to take a look at and hopefully get a better understanding of these silly cartoons.

Credit: Getty

Pros of sensory videos

  • They can help stimulate the baby’s visual and auditory senses, as well as improve eye coordination and movement
  • They can help your baby learn about different textures, colours, and shapes and potentially begin to recognise familiar things such as animals
  • They can be a calming and relaxing activity for babies
  • The videos are short and sweet, so they don’t get bored or frustrated watching them

Cons of sensory videos

  • Your baby could become overstimulated which can cause agitation and they may have difficulty sleeping
  • The constant changing of images and sounds can be overwhelming for their developing brains making them fussy
Credit: Getty

All in all, there is no real harm to flicking on a baby sensory video but like most things in life, moderation is key. According to the World Health Organisation children under five years old should spend an hour or less watching television or looking at other screens a day.

They go on to say that infants and one-year-olds should be getting no screen time at all. Two-year-olds should be getting no more than an hour with less preferred and three and four-year-olds should be getting only one hour.