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Early years

06th Nov 2017

This video of a baby struggling to stay awake in the bath is too much

Look at that face.

Jade Hayden


He is not at all happy about being woken up either.

Recently, a video emerged on the internet of a baby falling asleep in the bath.

Never fear though, because the baby is saved by an adult’s hand every time his little head drops lower and lower to the water, so there’s no need to worry.

The video is simply pure and adorable.

Here it is:

And just in case you weren’t all that bothered about pressing play, here’s a scene-by-scene synopsis of the very sweet incident.

Baby sleeps.

Baby is rudely awoken.

Baby looks super angry but is probably just confused.

Baby is so over this bath.

Baby sleeps again.

Baby is awoken again and seriously unimpressed.

Baby goes asleep in a maddening rage.

Baby wakes up and is absolutely going to go off on one for this.

The adorable (and hilarious) video has since gone viral with parents and non-parents around the world only delighted by the infant’s confused expression and his desire to take a little nap.

We can only hope that the baby got to sleep eventually.

In peace.

