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07th Dec 2015

Are YOU deskercising yet? (And why you should be!)

Trine Jensen-Burke

The vast majority of us spend far too many hours of the day with our bums glued to our chairs, eyes fixed at our computer screens.

And when this is followed up by sitting in the car on the way to and from work, and then sitting on the sofa for an evening of TV and Netflix when we make it back home, it is safe to say it is a recipe for ruin.

In fact, experts are now claiming that inactivity is an par with smoking or a diet high in sugar and unhealthy fats when it comes to lifestyle choices that can land you in serious health trouble. Sitting all day increases our risk for obesity, clearly, but also puts us at risk for back pain, poor posture, leg cramps and tense muscles. Yikes.


Many of us, especially if you have young children, struggle to make time for exercise once we get home at night, and, by the time dinner and homework and bedtime has come and gone, are too wiped out to even contemplate putting our runners on or heading to a spinning class.

But; there is a solution, we are happy to inform you. Ever heard of “deskercising” before? Here are five ways to get that blood pumping – no gym needed

1. Take the stairs

It may sound like a simple solution, but boy is it an effective one. Walking up and down stairs is nothing short of a GREAT cardio work-out, and will have you reap the benefit of a tighter bum and thighs too.

So if you work in a building with more than one floor, make sure you shun the lift for the stair, always. Looking for something to do once you have finished that sandwich at lunchtime? How about ten trips up and down the stairs? You will thank yourself later!


2. The Cubicle Wanderer

Have you fallen into the lazy habit of just e-mailing your co-workers who sit like four desks away? Stop it right now. Walking during work is totally underrated and a great way to get a little stretch and movement into your day.

So put down the keyboard, and take a stroll down the hall to catch up with coworkers or welcome a new employee. Face time. (as in actual face time, not the app!) is the new e-mail. You heard it here first. (Just beware of tempting candy jars at reception when making the rounds!)


3. The Wall Sit

If you have your own office or cubicle, this is great. If not, sneak into the boardroom (or bathroom) if it is free. Wall sits are great for building strength and endurance.

This is how you do it:  Stand with your back against the wall, bend the knees and slide your back down the wall until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Sit and hold for 30-60 seconds (or up to 12 hours, which is apparently the world record!).

For some extra burn, try crossing the right ankle over the left knee, hold for 15 seconds, then switch!


4. The Silent Seat Squeeze

No, we are not talking kegels (although you should be doing those as well!). This one is a GREAT exercise if you are surrounded by co-workers and can’t really be breaking into your 30-day squat challenge whenever the mood takes you.

Believe it or not, some deskercises can be kept under wraps, and this isometric glutes exercise is one of them. To start toning, simply squeeze your buttocks, hold for 5-10 seconds, and release. Repeat until you literally can’t feel your ass anymore.

The results will be uplifting. In more ways than one…


5. The Namaste

Whether you’re praying for a project extension or for more defined arms, this move has you covered.

Here is how you do it: Seated upright with feet flat on the floor, bring the palms together in front of the chest and push both hands together powerfully until you feel the arm muscles contract. Hold the prayer hands pushed together for 20 seconds. Release and repeat the sequence until you feel a little more zen.


Are YOU worried about your too lazy lifestyle? Are there any keep fit tips you would like to read more about? Drop me an e-mail and let met know! [email protected]