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07th Nov 2021

5 adorable advent calendars that can be re-used every year

Trine Jensen-Burke

Christmas is wonderful.

And it is supposed to be. However, Christmas can also be a bit of a consumption frenzy – excessively so. There is just so much of everything – food, treats, presents, paper, prep, shopping, outfits, you name it, Christmas has it – in abundance.

However, I am a firm believer in that when it comes to living a little greener and being more sustainable, you don’t have to aim for perfection – as that is going to put most of us off even trying. No, change happens in all the small tweaks and swaps we do, and teach our children to do. And from those small new habits, change will grow – and awareness too.

This Christmas, I am starting with our advent calendars. Instead of buying paper ones filled with chocolate that have to be thrown out come December 24th, adding to already heaving landfills across the country, I am opting for ones that can be taken out and re-used year after year.

Advent calendars that can be re-used every year

These 5 adorable advent calendars that can be re-used every year are all from Penneys, doesn’t cost an arm and a leg – and will also serve a purpose as a decoration for your mantelpiece or the windowsill in your child’s bedroom.

Fill them with trinkets, treats or even little notes saying things like: “Today we will make our gingerbread house!” or “Today we going ice skating!”

The point of advent calendars is the excitement of opening them – and getting to count down to Christmas – and if we can all do so in a more sustainable way, then, well, all the better, no?

1. Christmas Wooden Houses Advent Calendar


2. Christmas Red Disney Mickey Mouse Nutcracker Advent Calendar Box


3. Christmas Wooden Round Advent Calendar


4. Christmas Santa Train Advent Calendar


5. Christmas Disney Mickey And Minnie Mouse Advent Calendar Box
