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HelloFresh - Back to school


25th Apr 2015

Are you beach body ready? Are you sick of this phrase? These folk are…

Sure we all look like this on the beach....

Sophie White

Beach-ready is my constant state. I love the beach. Beach body ready is a state I know nothing about.

Protein World posed the irritating question “Are you beach body ready?” in a recent campaign and it has sparked some brilliant responses.

Less than impressed responders began vandalising the poster with gusto:


“None of your f*cking business.” 


“Yes – Everybody is. Love your body the way it is.”


“Everyone is beach body ready!” Another enterprising member of the public doctored the poster to promote the #EachBodysReady, which is now trending on Twitter.


This person went so far as to type and print this polite note:


The Protein World response was pretty cavalier and unapologetic:

In response to one complaint they said: “Why make your insecurities our problem?”


And dubbed Britain a nation of “fattie sympathisers”.

Live by the sword die by the sword seems to be their public relations team motto.


Protein World  and their supporters were definitely up for a fight as they retweeted messages of support that lambasted SJWs (social justice warriors):


Body Image,news