Beach-ready is my constant state. I love the beach. Beach body ready is a state I know nothing about.
Protein World posed the irritating question “Are you beach body ready?” in a recent campaign and it has sparked some brilliant responses.
This advert pretty much sums up everything that I despise about how we treat and value women’s bodies.
— Hannah Atkinson (@hatkinson_) April 12, 2015
Less than impressed responders began vandalising the poster with gusto:
“None of your f*cking business.”
“Yes – Everybody is. Love your body the way it is.”
“Everyone is beach body ready!” Another enterprising member of the public doctored the poster to promote the #EachBodysReady, which is now trending on Twitter.
This person went so far as to type and print this polite note:
The Protein World response was pretty cavalier and unapologetic:
In response to one complaint they said: “Why make your insecurities our problem?”
And dubbed Britain a nation of “fattie sympathisers”.
Live by the sword die by the sword seems to be their public relations team motto.
Protein World and their supporters were definitely up for a fight as they retweeted messages of support that lambasted SJWs (social justice warriors):
@ProteinWorld Huge respect for showing that you are not spineless cowards in the face of the feelings brigade <3!
— Tyron John (@cuckooduuude) April 25, 2015
I like Protein World. Their adverts work for the market that they cater for. They are essentially a fitness brand after all. @ProteinWorld
— Erin Louise Hunt (@erinlouisehunt) April 24, 2015