Seven more cases of Covid-19 in Ireland were confirmed on Thursday.
Sixth class students at a school in Galway have been asked not to come to school after it emerged they had been in contact with someone who was infected with Covid-19.
It’s understood the students in the class received a talk from the person, who has since been diagnosed as infected with Covid-19, and as a precaution, the HSE and the school have asked the students and teachers in the class to remain away from the school.
The HSE has contacted the parents of the students and the teachers involved with instructions.
In a letter sent to parents, the school said it would remain open for all other classes following advice from the HSE.
Siblings of sixth class students who are also in the school are deemed not to be in direct contact with the coronavirus case by the HSE and are advised to attend school.
The school reiterated that the directive for the school to remain open comes directly from the HSE.
The news comes following seven more confirmed cases of the virus on Thursday, bringing the total number to 13.