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17th Jun 2016

New Legislation Will Block Child Support Dodgers From Driving

Sharyn Hayden


Well, this is all kinds of interesting.

According to reports, the state of Texas will penalise parents who have not paid child support for six months or more by refusing renewal of their vehicle registration (Texas drivers are required to renew their registration once a year).

As it stands, the Attorney General is already able to penalise non-payers of child support by revoking driver’s licences.

Janice Wolfe, a spokeswoman for the Chid Support Division said;

“We’re going to use every tool that we can to collect support that is due to children and families, and that’s why this initiative is being pursued”

Opponents of the proposed move say that the state needs to do more to support parents who are struggling to make a living, by providing them with the means to make their child support payments.

But Ms Rolfe says parents who will have their vehicle registration blocked will be asked to enter a payment plan with regards to their backed-up child support, as opposed to being expected to pay the outstanding amount in full.

“The goal, obviously, is not to keep people from working or getting to work, but it is to gain compliance with court orders and to get support and money to children,” she said

Do you think a move like this would work in Ireland?

It seems like the threat of losing the ability for some to drive has really worked out in Texas, as the authorities have to date recovered more than $3 billion in child support payments in the last fiscal year.

A clever move, methinks?

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