Welcome to your newest hobby – wiping bums.
You can expect, on average, to change around 50 nappies a week for the next few years, so you better get comfortable at your changing station. They say it takes 10 thousand hours to become an expert at something. I can say without fear of hesitation that I am an expert nappy changer. In the dark, on a boat, under a table, at a concert, on my lap – there is literally nowhere I haven’t changed a nappy.
Here are our top tips for setting up your nappy changing station and keep in mind it may have to be partly mobile:
1. Wipes
Ah wipes, how did I ever live without you. You use them to wipe little bums, but you will also use them for snotty noses, removing eye-makeup, wiping breastmilk from in between the crevices of your chest, mopping up cereal off the floor, giving the sink a wipe when you are hiding in the toilet, scrubbing the high-chair and cleaning out the car. Minimum. Never make the rookie mistake of running out of these bad boys. Even an explosion up the back on an airplane will be ok with your best friend, the wipes.
2. Lotions and Potions
Choose wisely my friends. These will make or break your baby changing experience. I find CaldeSpray great to keep little red bottoms at bay, and you won’t be left with sticky hands either. Always have some baby moisturiser to hand as their little skin gets quite dry especially when they are newborn. Almond oil is great for softening cradle cap (the dry skin babies get on their heads), and I usually have a little hand sanitiser to keep any rotten germs away.
3. Towel and Nappies
HerFamily tip! Do not buy the newborn nappies in bulk. You will be surprised how quickly your baby grows into the next size up! Store your nappies within reach as you will also be trying to control a wiggly baby. I usually use a little hand towel to dry baby’s bum after I wipe but before I spray on the nappy cream as germs love a damp and warm environment.
4. Distractions
Hang a mobile over the changing station or have some handy baby toys nearby to distract your baby while you are on poop duty. Firstly they will howl while being changed when they are very small, then they will try to roll off the changing table, then they will try to sit up while you change them and finally they will leg swat you right in your c-section scar while trying to escape changing. If a soother helps, use it. Do whatever it takes to make this experience easier on the both of you.
5. Plenty of vests and babygro’s
Again, do not buy these in bulk – most will get discoloured as a result of leaks and explosions. So make sure you don’t spend a fortune on these little guys. I keep a selection of baskets within reach of babygros, vests, cloths, toys, nappy cream. It is also handy when you are moving from room to room and during the night. Restock often as you never want to be caught short with a naked wriggly baby – mostly for the sake of the carpet!
Good luck with your mission.
This article is brought to you by Caldesene CaldeSpray which provides a protective barrier against wetness and helps prevent nappy rash.