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19th Jul 2017

This ad will make you want to talk to your daughter about her role models

The ad is for the 'BeLikeHer' campaign.

Anna O'Rourke

You might shed a tear at this.

It’s a sad fact that girls are told they can do anything, but that it can also seem like there’s a dearth of women in positions of power to look up to.

Little boys grow up knowing that men have held the top jobs in government and in business, that men can be sport stars and play superheroes in movies.

For little girls, it’s not always that simple. Until another woman breaks a barrier, to young girls and women looking on it can feel like they’ll never be able to do something.

That’s why this ad by toy company Goldieblox is making such a splash right now.

Released yesterday, it’s a run-down of the inspirational women that young girls might look up to.

You could look at this ad as just that – a cynical attempt to cash in on hashtag feminism – or you could take it as a reminder that everything gets a little bit easier for girls when they have a role model.

Decide for yourself – the clip is below.