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Early years

18th Aug 2021

Amazing photo shows how a breach baby fits in the womb

Melissa Carton

Wow, this is amazing!

Ever wondered how exactly breech babies snuggle up in the womb.

Well thanks to this amazing photo, now we know.

A mum, whose baby was born breech, shared a photo to Facebook of her newborn daughter Emma, still in breech position.

The mother, Kristen, wrote on the Facebook post that she had a tradition of taking photos of her children just moments after they were born and Emma, although breech, would be no exception.

A breech birth is when a baby is born bottom first instead of head first, as is normal. Around 3–5 per cent of pregnant women at term have a breech baby.

The photo shows baby Emma in an almost gymnastic pose, with her feet high up over her head.

Along with the photo the shocked mum wrote;

“This was my poor little breech baby! She came out folded in half!!”

Neither of my children were born breech so I had no idea that this is the pose that they are born in and honestly, it’s fascinating.

A lot of breech births come with complications, so naturally a lot of other mums were curious as to how Kristen’s pregnancy had been;

“When I was pregnant with Emma, I had what I like to refer to as a ‘dream pregnancy.

I was never sick, tired, or all that uncomfortable. I just adored being pregnant! Much to my surprise, around 34 weeks I was in for a routine appointment and asked if we could take a sneak peak (by ultrasound) and discovered I had low fluid and a breech baby girl!

I tried everything from ‘Spinning Babies’ to acupuncture to get her to turn. No such luck. My doctor then scheduled a c-section for 39 weeks. Fortunately, the c-section and the recovery went very smoothly and I had a healthy baby in my arms!”

I found in my experience that the pregnancy itself is not always an indication of how the birth will go.

Things were pretty smooth sailing on my first pregnancy, morning sickness aside, but during the birth there were complications that led me to having a section.

Then when I was pregnant on my daughter I was constantly in and out of hospital but she practically fell out of me, after only a short time in labour with her.

It’s always interesting to hear, and see, stories about different kinds of births and I’d say that is going to be one hell of a photo to break out at Emma’s 21st birthday!