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Early years

06th Nov 2024

There’s a reason why babies love sleeping with their bum in the air and it’s adorable


Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby?

They always look so cosy and cute when sleeping. They also always seem to get themselves in the same position. You know the one, bum in the air like they just don’t care.

It’s hilarious and adorable but according to scientists, there’s actually a method behind their tiny madness.

So why is it? 

According to Baby Sleep Science, one of the reasons why children adopt this sleeping position is out of comfort…and a tiny bit of laziness. That’s right they just can’t be bothered.

Many babies, once they have learned to sit up independently often allow themselves to fall asleep as they are. In other words, they don’t bother lying down for a snooze, they just flop leading to the famous floating bum.

Many parents are actively encouraged to allow small babies lots of tummy time during the day and all this tummy time is part of the reason why so many babies are going bum up.

Because they have developed good motor skills and are either crawling or well on their way to, they naturally go into the crawl position and then fall asleep in it.

So there you have it, their airborne bums are nothing more than pure laziness, but that might make it even more adorable.