The arrival of a new baby is a special moment in any parent’s life.
All across the world people celebrate this moment in various different ways, from India to Ireland, Japan to Scotland.
In Ireland the first big celebration for our babies is typically their Christening of naming ceremony but what other traditions are there?
One traditional Indian celebration is the application of black kohl makeup around the baby’s eyes and on their forehead to ward off evil spirits.
In Scotland on the other hand, newborn babies are gifted coins as it is believed to bring them prosperity in life.
In Uganda families celebrate the new arrival with drinks and dancing while special jewelry is made for the infant using the skin of the Etopojjo tree which the baby wears on their wrists, ankles, neck and waist.
One milestone celebrated in Japan is Okuizome, otherwise known as the first food ceremony. It is performed 100 days after the baby is born and sees babies pretend to eat their first meal. It is believed that by performing the ceremony the child will always have enough food to eat.
In Hawaii a baby’s first birthday is a huge occasion and one celebrated with ‘baby’s first luau’. A typical first birthday party in Hawaii could see hundreds in attendance!
Does your family have any special customs to celebrate the arrival of a new baby?