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10th Jun 2019

You can tone your entire body with these TWO very simple exercises

This could take your fitness regime to a whole new level.

Trine Jensen-Burke

On a mission to get in shape?

Well, here is some good news for you in that case: All you need to do when at the gym are two different exercises – and you can tone up your whole body, according to fitness expert and personal trainer Alwyn Cosgrove.

Yup, that’s right.

Cosgrove recently devised a fat-burning plan for Men’s Health magazine and it included just two moves: a kettlebell swing and a squat.

And the expert swears this is all you need, really, as the routine is both effective and calorie-torching for a variety of reasons.



Here’s how it works: Doing what is called a “countdown workout,” you start with 15 reps of the kettlebell or dumbbell swing, followed immediately by 15 reps of the squat thrust. With no rest after, you then start with 14 of each, then 13, until you’re down to 1.

It is hard, ladies, there is no doubt about it. The movements are done at a fast pace, without rest, and will challenge your whole body. All in all, the the routine takes about 12 minutes to do in total, so your muscles are burning.

(Tip: If it’s too hard to do at first, you can start with a lower number, and work your way up to managing the full 15 reps).