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20th Apr 2016

6 Tips On How To Stop Your Kid’s Nose Bleed

Sharyn Hayden

As mother to a sneaky nose-picking four-year-old, we’ve had our fair share of nose-picking-related issues in our house.

Last year, Jacob developed Impetigo which was completely gross and forced him out of pre-school until it cleared up because it is so contagious.

We’ve had several hundred discussions and a few arguments about keeping his fingers out of his nose, but the l’il monkey is still sneaking a digit or two up there when he thinks we’re not looking.

Then there are the nose bleeds.

If Impetigo didn’t stop him from going up there for a root about, we really thought that the nose bleeds would.

Alas, no, we’ve definitely had more than one bleed to deal with in the last year or so and so have learned on the fly how best to deal with them.

A lot of nose bleeds in kids aged 3-10 can be caused by nose picking, but of course there are other factors that could cause them also, such as a fall or a knock to the nose area.

Here’s what you can do if your child’s nose is bleeding:

1. Stay calm and let your child know that everything is going to be ok. Everyone can get upset upon the sight of blood but try to keep them from seeing your worry!
2. Get your child to sit upright in a chair or on your lap, then tilt his or her head slightly forward.
3. Do not let your child lean back. This may cause blood to flow down the back of the throat, which tastes bad and may cause gagging, coughing or vomiting.
4. Gently pinch the soft part of the nose (just below the bony ridge) with a tissue or clean washcloth.
5. Keep pressure on the nose for about 10 minutes; if you stop too soon, bleeding may start again.
6. Make sure that your child relaxes for a while after a nosebleed. Discourage nose-blowing, picking and any rough play.

It is advisable to call your family GP immediately if the bleeding;

1. Is heavy, or accompanied by dizziness or weakness
2. Is the result of a fall or blow to the head
3. Continues after two attempts of applying pressure for 10 minutes each

You should also consider calling your GP if;

1. If your child has regular nosebleeds
2. If your child may have put something in his or her nose
3. If your child tends to bruise easily
4. If your child also has heavy bleeding from minor wounds or bleeding from another place, such as the gums
5. If your child has recently started taking new medicine

If you are concerned with any medical issues with your child, you should contact your Family GP straight away.