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13th Oct 2015

Meet Grace, one of Ireland’s many children suffering from Arthritis

Trine Jensen-Burke

Did you know that over  1,000 children in Ireland are suffering from Arthritis?

No? Neither did Irene Collins until her daughter, Grace, was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis when she was only just 2 ½ years old.

“She started complaining about a leg that was sore, she would cry and say she couldn’t walk on it”, Irene explains.

“We thought maybe at first she must have had a fall in creche or hurt it in some way, but there were no bruises or any other signs to say she had done something to it.”

Eventually the pain in Grace’s leg got so bad her parents had to bring her to their local A&E department as well as her GP.

“Nobody could figure out what was wrong with her, but we could see that she was getting worse. She was very tired, wouldn’t really eat properly and wasn’t able to take part in anything. At sports day at her creche she was just lying on a blanket watching the others, it was so upsetting.”

Weeks later the family finally got an answer to what was wrong with Grace, when a local pediatrician in Galway was able to diagnose the little girl with juvenile arthritis.

“It was a shock to get the diagnosis, as I had not thought children, and certainly children as young as Grace could get arthritis in the first place,” explains Irene.

“But in a way it was also a relief, finally we were able to put a name to what was wrong with her, and now at least there was help to be found.”

As well as her leg, Grace has arthritis in her jaws, wrist, elbows, soles of her feet, hip, and temples. As arthritis can affect the eyes, Grace also wears glasses and patches when she needs to.

Arthritis Ireland Back to the School Yard Fundraising Campaign. Picture by Shane O'Neill / Copyright Fennell Photography 2015.

In June 2014 Grace was admitted to Crumlin and was finally able to start her treatment. The family was also put in touch with Arthritis Ireland, who, Irene admits, has been of enormous support to Grace and her family.

“Suddenly we had these people at the end of the line we could call with any little question we had, they were always there, always able to help. They were able to tell us about available treatments and things that could help Grace, and often navigated for us in terms of getting Grace what she needed in regards to appointments and follow up.”

Grace, who is now four, responded well to her treatment, and today gets weekly injections (that her daddy has learned to administer), as well as having to have her blood checked monthly.

When it comes to Arthritis Ireland’s involvement, Irene cannot praise them enough.

“They often organize family days, where there are a variety of speakers available. We get to talk to doctors and nutritionists and physiotherapists through them, that have all been able to answer questions for us and help us with Grace. Just to be able to meet other families with children who suffer from the same as Grace has been so important to us too, and no matter what we are stuck with or feel like we need to know about, Arthritis Ireland will help us with.”


National Arthritis Week takes place next week (12 -18 October).

Arthritis Ireland offers a range of fantastic services including a helpline, family days, teen road trips, information booklets, family officers and lots more. Talk to your friends and colleagues, find out what you can do as a group to raise funds, and have some fun!

To donate €4 to Arthritis Ireland, text PAIN to 50300.* For more information about child arthritis check out the video below.

*100% of your donation goes Arthritis Ireland across most network operators. Some operators apply VAT which means that a minimum of €3.25 will go to Arthritis Ireland. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 0766805278