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01st Feb 2017

Spring Clean Your Daily Routine With These Super-Healthy Tips


Spring is on its way, despite the dreary grey skies this weekend. But there’s brightness and sun to come (there is, there is). And that means it’s almost time to start peeling off the layers, revealing some skin and bouncing into summer with boundless energy. Sounds easy, right?

Eh, no. It fills us with the fear too. We’re clutching on to hibernation mode as much as you are – swaddling ourselves in scarves, eating ‘comfort’ food, because hey, we made it through the week without too many disasters. Am I right, ladies?

But, recently, I’ve done some spring cleaning with my diet, buying groceries more sensibly, and re-educating myself on what I’m actually putting into my body every day. This is a direct result of having a total lack of energy, bad skin breakouts, and questionable tolerance levels with my kids.

I’m as time-poor as the rest of you with little-to-zero willpower, but I think most of these tweaks are about being organised and not being too hard on yourself. My new motto is: If I adopt some of these tips Monday to Friday, I can still treat myself at the weekend.

1. Eat mindfully

This is about learning to listen to what our bodies are telling us about hunger and satisfaction. Time pressures mean we’re also likely to end up over-eating, comfort eating or bingeing. Try to trust your body and learn to tell when you’re really hungry as opposed to when you usually eat. Notice what it is that your body is craving, it’s telling you what it needs, and what is best to nourish it.

2. Take your time

Easier said than done, but never eat standing at a kitchen counter or while walking, watching TV, etc. Instead, try to take a few minutes to sit down, chew properly and take your time to eat and digest. Your digestion will thank you for it – you’ll become fuller quicker, eat less, digest better and help your whole system work more efficiently.

3. Herbal teas

Replace one of your daily cups of tea or coffee with a fruit-infused herbal tea – you probably won’t miss that extra cup, honest. Experiment with different fruit-infused flavours, you might find that you reach for less sugary treats, especially if you go for a sweet-flavoured fruit medley.

4. Get three sessions of 20-minute exercise per week

Can’t get out to exercise? Pop YouTube on, do some exercises from your bedroom floor or try one of our Fitness Expert’s three-minute videos herehere and here. Yoga, pilates, even simple cardio movements will help. Every single leg lift helps, and you’ll feel so good getting into bed after doing some sort of cardio or toning.

5. Go to bed earlier

You eat better when you feel better. And that means going to bed earlier and waking up rested. Try to set the alarm for half an hour earlier than you usually switch on the light. Give it a go for a week and feel the difference.

6. Use coconut oil

Have you tried using coconut oil in your cooking? It adds a gorgeous flavour to savoury dishes, and is said to be metabolised differently by the body than regular saturated fats.

7. Chia seeds

Try sprinkling chia on your porridge or yoghurt, or add a tablespoon to a jar, fill it with milk, add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and leave in the fridge to soak overnight. The chia seeds set the mixture, making it more like a pudding, and it’s so delicious for breakfast. Top this with sliced fruit, and you’ve got a super-healthy brekkie that keeps you full all morning. 

8. Choose organic

It’s not as expensive as you think and with Lidl’s extensive organic range, you can get all your everyday faves each week, as well as lots of wholesome and handy organic store-cupboard staples, in-store now.

9. Get a powerful blender or processor and get blitzing

If you don’t have one, it’s worth investing and experiment with different flavours. It’s a brilliant way to throw in some raw leafy greens like spinach and kale, then some seeds and sweeter fruit with milk or yoghurt, even some avocado, and bingo, you’ve got a filling jug of healthiness without having to cook or feel like you’re eating a plate of air. Try blueberries and blackberries to give a nice subtle fruitiness.

10 Don’t get hungry

Because that’s when you pick up something unhealthy. It’s better to eat five smaller meals throughout the day than three big ones. Keep your metabolism moving and use healthy food as your fuel. Have snacks handy like a nut snack mix, or rice cakes with peanut butter or fresh fruit.

Why not check out for more great healthy hacks, tips, tricks, and recipes. Find us on social media with #LidlHealthHacks. Check out the amazing organic food range at Lidl, as well as lots of handy wholesome organic store cupboard staples, in-store from this week