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21st Aug 2015

6 Beauty Hacks using repurposed household products (really!)

Raid the kitchen for these clever pampering products


Ready to flaunt flawless, radiant skin, cellulite-free curvy bits and little toes worthy of a trend setting gladiator sandal? Then read on, Cinderella. 

We have found unbeatable household items that pull double duty in your beauty arsenal. Opening the kitchen cupboard has never been more exciting.


1. Coconut oil and old coffee

Everyone has multiple vessels taking up space. Find an old container. Stick in coconut oil, ground coffee beans from the percolator and rapeseed oil. Mix well and apply to dry skin in the shower. Leave for 5 – 10 minutes and rinse off. Repeat as often as you like for cellulite-busting results.

2. Maple syrup

Dry hair be gone. Slather this stuff all over your hair, wrap in clingfilm and take some selfies for the LOLs. You may be selective if it is just the pesky ends of your hair that make you feel like Worzel Gummidge’s long lost sibling. Leave in for 20 minutes and rinse. Apply to brittle nails for the same effect #fact.

3. Bread soda

Take some bread soda and some toothpaste. An Aloe Vera extract toothpaste is what we would advise, like AloeDent. Stick that versatile bread soda right on in and mix in a drop of oil (rapeseed, coconut or olive is perfect.). 5 minutes once a day does the trick. Eh, vóila: shiny new gnashers before Summer.

4. Milk

Sore feet be gone. Pour up to 2 litres of milk, depending on the size of your container, into a foot bath. Add 2 drops of peppermint essential oil, 2 of almond oil, 2 of olive oil and a some boiling water. Don’t forget to put your feet in (the water had nearly cooled I was so busy smelling this aroma explosion). Hey, presto, smooth and soft tootsies after 15 minutes.

5. Himalayan salt

Sinus symptoms bugger off, please excuse the pun. Himalayan salt is the miracle best inanimate friend you never had. Not alone is this best exfoliator in the kitchen cupboard, if you inhale this stuff in some hot water you’ll instantly relieve congestion. Oh yes. Now go smell the daffodils.

6. Apple cider vinegar and aspirin

Transformation pending. This quick trick enhances skin texture and revitalises dull skin in an instant. Smash 5 plain aspirin tablets with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 3 tablespoons of sparkling water. Apply and say ‘well hello’ to a brand spanking new facade.

You. Are. So. Welcome.

Main Image Via HeartModa