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27th Mar 2019

At what age did you allow your child to drink fizzy drinks?

Olivia Hayes

They’re obsessed with them.

Whether you try and get them to drink water or juice, coconut milk or a smoothie, kids just love fizzy drinks.

Whether it’s the amount of sugar in them or just because they’re the most widely available drinks at parties, it can be difficult to stir them in the direction of drinking water if all their mates are guzzling down Fanta.

We don’t allow our kids to drink fizzy drinks at home, and try our best to stay away from them but of course, it’s impossible to keep them away from the beverage forever.

Parents on Mumsnet are discussing how often their children drink fizzy drinks and a lot of parents said that they keep their children away from them at all costs.

One parent said:

“Dc are 12+13 and still it’s a no!! Ds 15 has a medical condition so it’s a no at home but he gets them when not in my presence I am sure!”

Another said:

“I would consider those to be a treat, on a par to when you might drink alcohol eg a meal out or special occasion”

And one more wrote:

“I’ve never bought fizzy drinks, not for myself or guests, so we’ve just never had them available. The children never asked for them and don’t drink them now they are adults. They had really weak milky tea from quite young, 2 or 3. Didn’t have fruit juice either. Never really thought about it before.”

What do you think? Do you let your children drink fizzy drinks often?


fizzy drinks