Great news people – tequila can apparently help you lose weight so we’re all going for drinks tonight (not really, we’d be dead to the world for the rest of the week).
However, new research has found that the agave spirit can aid in weight loss, so we definitely know what we’re ordering next time we’re in a bar.
The study was carried out by the American Chemical Society and – here’s the science-y bit now – the sugars that are found in tequila are called agavins. They’re non-digestible so they won’t raise your blood sugar.
Throughout the study, researchers gave mice a standard diet along with water that had agavins added to it.
The mice that drank the water with agavins ended up eating less and had lower blood sugar levels.
As well as that, they also found that agavins also produced a hormone called GLP-1, which helps keep you fuller for longer.
While we’re not going to be drinking shots of tequila every night out – we are more open to it after this bit of information has surfaced.