Currently looking around your living room and wondering where the heck you are going to put all the things you all just unwrapped?
Same. So much same.
However, if your wardrobes and hot press and kitchen presses are threatening to burst open, well, then you really should start bingeing on this brand new Netlix show that launches January 1st.
Tidying Up With Marie Kondo sounds like all sorts of TV gold of you ask us, and if you have heard of (or read) her bestselling book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ – well, then you are going to love this show where the organisation guru helps some desperate homeowners clear out the clutter and make room for joy.

Famous for her KonMari Method of tidying and decluttering, Kondo’s 2014 book has sold more than eight million copies worldwide—half of those in the U.S.—and spawned a manga edition, an illustrated guide, a calendar to track joy, and a line of organizational boxes. It’s no wonder then, perhaps, that Netflix came knocking, knowing full well that a reality show like this one is bound to have us all watching and learning how to streamline our over-cluttered lives a little.
Kondo’s method of looking at everything you own and discarding anything that doesn’t “spark joy” is no doubt effective as far as getting rid of stuff goes, and she urges you to start with clothes, before moving on to books, papers, and the contents of your kitchen cabinets. And everything else.
Having recently relocated from Tokyo to LA, Kondo, insists that her overall professional goal is simply to spread the gospel of home organization. “It’s my ambition that as many people in the world not just learn about the KonMari Method but completely finish tidying their home.”

In each Netflix show, Kondo visits a new LA household. The difference from similar shows is that these families aren’t hoarders in the true sense of the word, but pretty much just regular people living with the consequences of over-consumption, Black Fridays, and years of recreational and online shopping. Much the same as many of us, in other words.
There are emotional breakdowns and revelations, and one by one, Kondo, with her sweet, gentle nature (yet steely organisation skills) makes them all see the light and get rid of the vast amount of stuff they have, but don’t need.
The overall message? That once you home-life and surroundings are neat and tidy, you will start seeing this newfound eager to streamline and focus seep into the rest of your life too, improving both your work and relationships.
We don’t know about you, but we think this sounds like the perfect Januar binge-session.